
It is at the General Assembly that the SJJIF Executive Committee and the National Federations come together to collaborate and vote on items that will further develop our sport and the direction of our federation.  Per the SJJIF Statutes & Bylaws, items that the General Assembly can discuss and vote on are as follows:

  • Election of Officials;
  • Approval or amend the SJJIF Statutes & Bylaws;
  • Approval of the financial budget and financial report prepared by the EC;
  • Approval of the operations report and operations projects;
  • Ratify and discuss policies undertaken by members of the EC, including applications for membership, termination of NFs as proposed by the EC, and proposals presented by Member Federations.
  • Other matters of importance;
  • The GA may refer matters under its jurisdiction and/or responsibility to the President or the EC.

General Information for 2017 SJJIF Annual Conference and General Assembly