Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem

Sjjif World Rank 2024
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 25.70 2 3 1
uema atsushi male white master 4 feather 3.30 SILVER
oka masaru male white master 4 middle 7.00 GOLD
nakasone shin male white master 4 feather 1.10 BRONZ
inafuku subaru male brown adult light 3.30 SILVER
itokazu yasuichi male blue master 4 feather 7.70 GOLD
sakamoto yu female blue adult feather 3.30 SILVER
Central Japan Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 14.00 2 0 0
hirata koshiro male black adult middle 7.00 GOLD
hirata koshiro male black adult open weight 7.00 GOLD
Tokyo International Winter Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 71.00 7 4 1
hirayama fumiki male white adult feather 1.40 BRONZ
katono genshu male purple adult feather 7.00 GOLD
koike masahiro male blue master 5 light feather 7.70 GOLD
horikawa masahiro male black master 4 light feather 7.70 GOLD
sekine mikisuke male white master 2 light 3.30 SILVER
sekine mikisuke male white master 2 open weight 7.70 GOLD
shirasaka so male purple adult middle 8.40 GOLD
kariya suguru male white master 6 light feather 3.00 SILVER
ohno tomoki male blue adult light feather 9.80 GOLD
hoshino tomoki male blue adult rooster 3.30 SILVER
haruka tsuda female white master 3 rooster 3.30 SILVER
segawa yukihiko male white adult light 8.40 GOLD
Kyushu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 70.80 3 11 11
tanaka akira male blue master 4 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kishida hayato male white adult feather 1.40 BRONZ
tobinaga kazunori male brown master 3 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
yokoo keisuke male brown master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
honda mao female white adult open weight 3.30 SILVER
shirahama masanobu male blue master 3 rooster 1.10 BRONZ
funakosi masaoni male purple master 3 light feather 7.70 GOLD
uchida masashi male white master 4 light feather 3.30 SILVER
hara masataka male blue adult open weight 1.40 BRONZ
hara masataka male blue adult feather 1.40 BRONZ
sagara minoru male white master 3 light feather 3.00 SILVER
kato ryouhei male purple master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
itou ryouichi male purple master 3 heavy 7.00 GOLD
itou ryouichi male purple master 3 open weight 7.70 GOLD
kamesaki sachiko female blue master 1 feather 3.00 SILVER
kamesaki sachiko female blue master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
miyazaki shingo male purple adult feather 3.00 SILVER
terao shingo male white master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
okajima shino male white master 4 light 3.30 SILVER
ohtani shota male blue master 1 feather 3.30 SILVER
nakamura taiyo male blue master 2 open weight 3.30 SILVER
nakamura taiyo male blue master 2 middle 3.60 SILVER
kikuchi tomohiro male white master 1 middle 1.10 BRONZ
nishimura toshihide male blue master 3 light 3.30 SILVER
eguchi yusuke male white master 1 rooster 3.00 SILVER
Nagoya International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 14.00 1 2 0
sekine mikisuke male blue master 2 light 3.00 SILVER
oki shohei male purple master 1 feather 7.70 GOLD
takahashi yoji male white master 3 light feather 3.30 SILVER
Asjjf Taiwan International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 9.50 1 0 1
mendoza basha female blue adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
mendoza basha female blue adult feather 8.40 GOLD
Tokyo International Spring Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 46.80 4 3 3
sagara kiichiro male white master 4 feather 7.70 GOLD
maetani kosuke male white master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
koike masahiro male blue master 4 light feather 8.40 GOLD
kurosawa maya female white adult feather 7.70 GOLD
sekine mikisuke male blue master 2 light 3.30 SILVER
hanakata minami female white master 1 light feather 3.30 SILVER
takano shinichi male white master 3 light feather 3.30 SILVER
ohno tomoki male blue adult light feather 9.80 GOLD
hoshino tomoki male blue adult rooster 1.10 BRONZ
lee ying male purple master 2 feather 1.10 BRONZ
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Fukuoka 16.00 1 3 0
ohara eri female white master 3 light feather 7.00 GOLD
arakawa mika female purple master 1 light feather 3.00 SILVER
kouno ousuke male white adult medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
simada takasi male white master 5 feather 3.00 SILVER
Asean International Jiu Jitsu Open Championship 2024 46.20 3 6 3
salamillas alex female white adult feather 1.10 BRONZ
peña alexikaye female white juvenile feather 3.30 SILVER
dioquino andrew male white master 1 open weight 3.30 SILVER
dioquino andrew male white master 1 light feather 3.60 SILVER
salvadora azthasia female white juvenile light feather 7.70 GOLD
tiquez cristel jam female blue adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
carpio earl daniel male white master 1 medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
gabrentina geneva female white adult light feather 1.10 BRONZ
oleta ivan male purple adult heavy 3.30 SILVER
yuson nicholas male blue master 3 medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
abrigo nimrod male white adult heavy 1.10 BRONZ
arias roi male white juvenile feather 3.30 SILVER
2024 Marianas Pro Japan (gi Only) 23.10 2 1 3
shinya shimizu male black master 3 light feather 3.00 SILVER
takano shinichi male white master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
inafuku subaru male brown master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
mietz thomas male master 1 black open heavy 8.40 GOLD
ohno tomoki male adult blue open light 1.10 BRONZ
ohno tomoki male blue adult light feather 8.40 GOLD
Asia Jiu Jitsu Cup 2024 19.80 1 0 2
tamura kazuhiko male brown master 6 feather 2.20 BRONZ
shinya shimizu male black master 3 light feather 15.40 GOLD
inafuku subaru male brown master 2 light feather 2.20 BRONZ
Hokkaido Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 75.70 7 6 2
suzuki hinako female blue master 1 feather 3.30 SILVER
ose masahiro male blue master 2 heavy 7.00 GOLD
ose masahiro male blue master 2 open weight 3.60 SILVER
takekuma ryogo male blue adult middle 1.10 BRONZ
sasa shumpei male blue adult ultra heavy 3.00 SILVER
kawakami taichi male blue master 2 ultra heavy 7.00 GOLD
kawakami taichi male blue master 2 open weight 7.70 GOLD
kamemori takashi male blue master 4 light feather 7.70 GOLD
ohoka tomoyoshi male white master 5 open weight 3.30 SILVER
ohoka tomoyoshi male white master 5 light 3.00 SILVER
ishii yasuhisa male white master 4 feather 8.40 GOLD
ishii yasuhisa male white master 4 open weight 3.30 SILVER
terasawa yusuke male white master 3 middle 7.70 GOLD
terasawa yusuke male white master 3 open weight 1.20 BRONZ
kikuchi yuya male blue master 1 open weight 8.40 GOLD
Okinawa International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 24.10 2 3 1
sakieda hiromu male white master 1 middle 3.00 SILVER
fukuzato kou male white adult light 1.10 BRONZ
yamakawa seiji male purple adult middle 3.00 SILVER
nakasone shin male white master 4 feather 7.00 GOLD
itokazu yasuichi male blue master 3 feather 3.00 SILVER
kuremoto yusuke male blue master 2 light 7.00 GOLD
Tokyo International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 8.10 1 0 1
ohno tomoki male blue adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
segawa yukihiko male blue adult light 1.10 BRONZ
Tokyo International Master Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 15.80 1 2 2
ishikawa fumitoshi male black master 2 middle 7.00 GOLD
ishikawa fumitoshi male black master 2 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
izawa kazuki male brown master 2 rooster 3.30 SILVER
yonei toshiya male white master 4 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
yonei toshiya male white master 4 middle 3.30 SILVER
Marianas Pro Manila 2024 ( Gi ) 87.10 7 8 4
peña alexikaye female white juvenile feather 7.70 GOLD
dioquino andrew male blue adult light feather 1.20 BRONZ
salvadora azthasia female white juvenile light feather 7.70 GOLD
salvadora azthasia female white juvenile open weight 8.40 GOLD
mendoza basha female blue adult feather 8.40 GOLD
tiquez cristel jam female purple adult light 3.30 SILVER
dagatan fidel male blue adult ultra heavy 7.00 GOLD
dagatan fidel male blue adult open weight 8.40 GOLD
anastacio gab male white adult light feather 3.60 SILVER
aguirre jerome male white adult feather 4.20 SILVER
cachuela joaquin male purple adult light feather 3.00 SILVER
aguila lukas male blue juvenile light feather 3.30 SILVER
laureta maria female purple adult light 1.10 BRONZ
laureta maria female purple adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
arias roi male white juvenile feather 3.30 SILVER
carlos shanta female purple adult light 7.70 GOLD
silla via patricia female blue adult feather 1.10 BRONZ
esteban wiane male blue juvenile middle 3.30 SILVER
ang willie male black master 3 open weight 3.30 SILVER
The 1st Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Tokyo 29.90 2 4 2
moriya fumi female white master 4 feather 3.30 SILVER
takahashi itsuki male purple adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
sagara kiichiro male white master 4 feather 1.10 BRONZ
man wai lau female white master 3 rooster 3.00 SILVER
kurosawa maya female white adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
sakaguchi motokuni male blue master 3 feather 3.60 SILVER
luan seth male blue master 3 middle 3.00 SILVER
segawa yukihiko male blue adult light 1.20 BRONZ
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 15.90 0 4 3
kimura fuga male white adult rooster 3.30 SILVER
iwanaga masahide male white master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
shirahama masanobu male blue master 3 rooster 3.00 SILVER
fukuda michitaka male white juvenile light feather 3.00 SILVER
okajima shino male white master 4 light 1.10 BRONZ
eguchi yusuke male white master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
aoki yutaro male white master 2 light feather 3.30 SILVER
Asjjf Malaysia International Jiu Jitsu Open 2024 29.00 3 2 0
aik helena female white adult light feather 7.70 GOLD
yaginuma paulo male black master 1 light 7.70 GOLD
moa yii sik raphael male black master 1 light 3.30 SILVER
chang royal male brown master 1 light 3.30 SILVER
chang royal male brown adult light feather 7.00 GOLD
Asia Masters Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 31.90 2 2 10
scoccia pappagallo .. male blue master 1 light 1.10 BRONZ
avakiants alexandre male black master 2 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
avakiants alexandre male black master 2 middle 1.10 BRONZ
nakahara ikuyo female blue master 3 rooster 1.10 BRONZ
cho jungsung male blue master 3 light 1.10 BRONZ
izawa kazuki male brown master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kodama kentaro male white master 3 middle 7.00 GOLD
sagara kiichiro male white master 4 feather 7.00 GOLD
kroujkov piotr male blue master 1 light 1.10 BRONZ
kroujkov piotr male blue master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
hoshino tomoki male blue master 2 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
yoneda yasuho male blue master 4 light feather 3.60 SILVER
yun yeongin male blue master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
sekiya yuji male purple master 3 light feather 3.30 SILVER
Sendai International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 3.60 0 1 0
takano shinichi male white master 3 light feather 3.60 SILVER
Angeles International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 (gi Event) 1.10 0 0 1
ymas kendall chris male blue adult feather 1.10 BRONZ
East Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship2024 3.60 0 1 0
segawa yukihiko male blue adult light 3.60 SILVER
East Japan Master Jiu Jitsu Championship2024 18.40 2 1 0
nakahara ikuyo female blue master 3 rooster 3.00 SILVER
kariya suguru male white master 6 light feather 7.00 GOLD
enomoto yoshiyasu male white master 4 feather 8.40 GOLD
Okinawa International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 19.20 1 3 2
uema atsusi male blue master 4 feather 3.00 SILVER
sato eisaku male white master 2 light feather 7.70 GOLD
sakurai haruhisa male white master 1 middle 3.30 SILVER
sakieda hiromu male white master 1 middle 1.10 BRONZ
nakasone shin male white master 3 feather 3.00 SILVER
kuremoto yusuke male blue master 2 light 1.10 BRONZ
South Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 In Kiyama 40.80 2 6 5
kimura fuga male white adult rooster 8.40 GOLD
kagae kazuhiro male blue master 4 feather 3.30 SILVER
tobinaga kazunori male brown master 4 light feather 3.00 SILVER
uchida masaya male white juvenile light feather 3.00 SILVER
kouno ousuke male white adult middle 1.10 BRONZ
kouno ousuke male white adult open weight 1.20 BRONZ
shirai shoya male blue master 1 light feather 3.60 SILVER
fujino tadanori male white master 4 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
fujino tadanori male white master 4 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
zaima taishin male blue master 1 light 1.10 BRONZ
yamaguchi takuma male white adult rooster 3.60 SILVER
kikuchi tomohiro male white master 1 light 3.30 SILVER
tabata yoshinori male white master 1 light feather 7.00 GOLD
Sjjjf 7th All Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 67.30 6 4 6
kurashima ayumu male white master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kurashima ayumu male white master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
nakamura hiroki male blue master 2 middle 1.10 BRONZ
yamasaki kandai male white adult open weight 8.40 GOLD
yamasaki kandai male white adult heavy 7.70 GOLD
yamasaki kandai male white adult open weight 8.40 GOLD
hirata koshiro male black adult light 7.00 GOLD
nakano shinji male white master 3 feather 1.10 BRONZ
maeda takeshi male blue master 3 light 3.30 SILVER
maeda takeshi male blue master 3 light 3.30 SILVER
ishizuka wataru male white adult middle 3.30 SILVER
hamano yasuhiko male blue master 5 light feather 3.30 SILVER
yoneda yasuho male blue master 4 light feather 7.70 GOLD
yoneda yasuho male blue master 4 light feather 7.70 GOLD
enomoto yoshiyasu male white master 4 feather 1.40 BRONZ
enomoto yoshiyasu male white master 4 feather 1.40 BRONZ
Jiu Jitsu Koushien Summer 2024 2.20 0 0 2
aoshima chloe female white blue purple juvenile feather 1.10 BRONZ
furukawa yuki male white blue purple juvenile light 1.10 BRONZ
The 4th Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Sapporo 36.20 3 3 2
narumi kazuhiro male white master 1 rooster 1.10 BRONZ
takekuma ryogo male blue adult middle 7.00 GOLD
yamada shuzo male white master 3 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
ishii yasuhisa male white master 4 open weight 3.60 SILVER
ishii yasuhisa male white master 4 light feather 8.40 GOLD
terasawa yusuke male blue master 3 open weight 3.60 SILVER
terasawa yusuke male blue master 3 medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
kikuchi yuya male blue master 1 open weight 8.40 GOLD
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 203.10 6 2 11
ee aacus male black adult medium heavy 23.10 GOLD
kitanishi akiko female brown master 3 feather 23.10 GOLD
avakiants alexandre male black master 4 middle 3.30 BRONZ
avakiants alexandre male black master 4 open weight 4.20 BRONZ
chang chia hen male brown master 1 light feather 25.20 GOLD
nakahara ikuyo female blue master 3 rooster 3.30 BRONZ
hirata koshiro male black adult light 25.20 GOLD
arakawa mika female purple master 1 rooster 9.00 SILVER
takahashi nozomi female white master 1 open weight 3.30 BRONZ
takahashi nozomi female white master 1 feather 3.60 BRONZ
moa yii sik raphael male black master 1 light 3.30 BRONZ
shinya shimizu male black master 3 light feather 3.60 BRONZ
shirai shoya male blue master 1 light feather 3.60 BRONZ
kawakami taichi male blue master 2 ultra heavy 9.90 SILVER
yoshiatsu tanaka male black master 2 open weight 4.20 BRONZ
ohno tomoki male purple adult light feather 25.20 GOLD
ishii yasuhisa male white master 5 open weight 3.60 BRONZ
ishii yasuhisa male white master 5 light feather 23.10 GOLD
kamada yuto male blue master 2 middle 3.30 BRONZ


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 14.30 1 2 0
oka hiroto male gray pre teen heavy 3.30 SILVER
chinen mizuki male white kindergarten rooster 7.70 GOLD
yoshioka naoki male white kindergarten rooster 3.30 SILVER
Tokyo International Winter Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 55.30 5 4 4
laszlo david male gray teen medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
laszlo hanna female gray pre teen feather 7.00 GOLD
itani hina female white kindergarten light feather 3.30 SILVER
osawa jie male white toddler light feather 7.00 GOLD
venegas luke male white pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
yoshizaki mai female white kindergarten feather 7.00 GOLD
sasaki may female gray youth light feather 3.30 SILVER
murase rio male white youth light 4.20 SILVER
hoshino seinosuke male white kindergarten rooster 1.10 BRONZ
nishikohri suo male gray youth middle 8.40 GOLD
sasaki taketoyo male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
aoshima tyler male gray pre teen feather 3.60 SILVER
berkness ullana female white youth light 1.10 BRONZ
Kyushu International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 16.20 2 0 2
uchida masaya male white teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
terao mion female white junior teen feather 7.00 GOLD
terao torahiro male gray pre teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
hiroto yahata male gray pre teen heavy 7.00 GOLD
Nagoya International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 0.00 0 0 0
Tokyo International Spring Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 52.60 3 6 9
itani hina female white kindergarten light feather 3.30 SILVER
yoneda hodaka male white pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
venegas hugo male white teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
kozuka itsuki male white pre teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
shimizu jamie male gray pre teen light 3.60 SILVER
mccarthy kai male white kindergarten light feather 3.30 SILVER
gustin ken male white kindergarten rooster 1.10 BRONZ
fujii mia female white kindergarten feather 3.00 SILVER
ebina osamu male gray youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
wada oshiro male white kindergarten feather 1.20 BRONZ
murase rio male gray youth light 3.30 SILVER
sasaki taketoyo male white youth rooster 7.70 GOLD
furuya tao male white pre teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
ishizaki tetsu male gray youth rooster 1.10 BRONZ
nakano toji male white kindergarten feather 1.10 BRONZ
berkness vera female white junior teen light 7.70 GOLD
ryusei yoshizaki male gray youth light 1.10 BRONZ
ohnuki yugen male white kindergarten feather 3.60 SILVER
The 2nd Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Fukuoka 1.10 0 0 1
yoshida kohaku male gray youth light feather 1.10 BRONZ
Asean International Jiu Jitsu Open Championship 2024 62.90 5 5 9
salamillas aleina female white junior teen feather 3.30 SILVER
salamillas aliyah female gray pre teen light 7.00 GOLD
simon angel female gray teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
adion ayiesha female white youth feather 1.20 BRONZ
cordero azhala female white teen feather 7.00 GOLD
marquez clarence male gray pre teen light 3.30 SILVER
villaseñor clifford male white teen light feather 3.30 SILVER
untalan denicah female gray teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
untalan dion male white pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
bitangcor emmanuel male white junior teen light 7.70 GOLD
francisco emmanuel male white teen rooster 3.30 SILVER
alas izobelle female gray teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
jacoba jyka female white youth light feather 1.10 BRONZ
alas luis zacchary male gray pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
malundas margaux female white youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
cadavillo raphael male white teen feather 3.30 SILVER
arias ryu male yellow teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
atienza sachio male white teen rooster 7.70 GOLD
llave ysobelle female white junior teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
2024 Marianas Pro Japan (gi Only) 1.10 0 0 1
hiroto yahata male gray junior teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
Asia Jiu Jitsu Cup 2024 2.20 0 0 1
yahata hiroto male gray junior teen middle 2.20 BRONZ
Hokkaido Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 15.80 2 0 1
yoshida hiziri male gray pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
takahashi ippei male gray junior teen feather 7.70 GOLD
takahashi kanpei male white pre teen middle 7.00 GOLD
Okinawa International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 17.70 1 3 1
chinen mizuki male gray kindergarten rooster 7.00 GOLD
yoshioka naoki male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
miyagi ryota male gray teen light feather 3.00 SILVER
shimabukuro shintaro male white youth light feather 3.60 SILVER
gakiya teppei male gray junior teen middle 3.00 SILVER
Tokyo International Kids Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 29.50 1 3 11
berkness enshin male white youth feather 1.20 BRONZ
itani hina female gray kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
watanabe hinase male white kindergarten light feather 3.60 SILVER
yoneda hodaka male white pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
mccarthy kai male white kindergarten light feather 1.20 BRONZ
wada koshiro male white pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
chuma michelle female gray junior teen light 1.10 BRONZ
nakahara natsu male white youth rooster 3.30 SILVER
witten oliver male white junior teen medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
ebina osamu male gray youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
sasaki taketoyo male gray youth rooster 3.30 SILVER
furuya tao male white pre teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
hashimoto torayuki male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
usui tsuguri male gray youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
ryusei yoshizaki male gray youth light 1.10 BRONZ
Marianas Pro Manila 2024 ( Gi ) 73.90 8 2 7
salamillas aleina female white junior teen feather 7.00 GOLD
salamillas aliyah female gray pre teen light 7.00 GOLD
buenviaje altheon male white youth rooster 1.10 BRONZ
bragas angel female gray pre teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
simon angel female gray teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
adion ayiesha female white youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
cordero azhala female gray teen light feather 8.40 GOLD
marquez clarence male white pre teen middle 7.70 GOLD
francisco iii emman.. male white pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
francisco emmanuel male white teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
bitangcor emmanuel male gray junior teen light 1.10 BRONZ
jacoba jyka female white youth light feather 3.30 SILVER
tan kevin male white pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
barcelona luna female white kindergarten rooster 7.70 GOLD
peña maeko male white teen light feather 7.70 GOLD
malundas margaux female white youth feather 3.30 SILVER
arias ryu male yellow teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
Jiu Jitsu Koushien Spring 2024 46.40 3 5 7
yoneda hodaka male white pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
osawa jie male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
harashima layla male white kindergarten rooster 1.20 BRONZ
keyes lorenzo male white teen feather 1.10 BRONZ
sasaki may female gray youth light feather 1.20 BRONZ
nakahara natsu male white youth rooster 3.00 SILVER
wada oshiro male white kindergarten feather 1.20 BRONZ
murase rio male gray youth light 7.70 GOLD
nishikohri suo male gray youth heavy 7.00 GOLD
sasaki taketoyo male gray youth rooster 7.70 GOLD
nakano toji male white kindergarten feather 1.10 BRONZ
berkness ullana female white pre teen feather 3.30 SILVER
hiroto yahata male gray junior teen middle 3.30 SILVER
ryusei yoshizaki male gray youth light 3.30 SILVER
tanaka yujin male white pre teen middle 3.00 SILVER
X X Dumau International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024. (gi Event) 3.30 0 1 0
witten oliver male white junior teen medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
Kyushu International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 1.10 0 0 1
fukuda shunji male white teen rooster 1.10 BRONZ
Kita Kanto Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 (gi) 3.00 0 1 0
goutaro ito male yellow junior teen feather 3.00 SILVER
Asia Kids Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 25.70 0 6 6
laszlo david male yellow teen medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
laszlo hanna female gray pre teen light 3.00 SILVER
yahata hiroto male gray junior teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
imagine hiroto male white junior teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
sasaki may female gray youth light feather 1.20 BRONZ
haque musashi male gray kindergarten light 3.30 SILVER
nakahara natsu male white youth rooster 1.10 BRONZ
witten oliver male yellow junior teen medium heavy 3.00 SILVER
ishizaki tetsu male gray youth rooster 3.30 SILVER
aoshima tyler male gray junior teen feather 1.20 BRONZ
berkness vera female gray junior teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
ryusei yoshizaki male gray youth light 3.00 SILVER
Little Samurai Kids 2024 3.00 0 1 0
haque musashi male gray kindergarten light 3.00 SILVER
West Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 1.10 0 0 1
tetsumaga konosuke male orange teen light 1.10 BRONZ
East Japan Kids Jiu Jitsu Championship2024 22.00 1 4 1
miyahara lino male gray youth middle 3.30 SILVER
nakahara natsu male white youth rooster 3.00 SILVER
wada oshiro male white kindergarten feather 3.60 SILVER
sasaki taketoyo male gray youth rooster 7.70 GOLD
berkness ullana female white pre teen feather 1.10 BRONZ
berkness vera female gray junior teen light 3.30 SILVER
Okinawa International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 25.70 2 3 1
chinen mizuki male gray kindergarten light feather 3.30 SILVER
yoshioka naoki male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
kuba ouri male white pre teen feather 3.30 SILVER
miyagi ryouta male gray teen light feather 7.70 GOLD
miyagi satoshi male white youth light 3.30 SILVER
gakiya teppei male gray junior teen middle 7.00 GOLD
Sjjcf Nanjing Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 13.70 1 2 0
li qingru female white kindergarten feather 3.00 SILVER
zhang yuexi female white kindergarten light feather 7.70 GOLD
jin 昱泽 male white toddler feather 3.00 SILVER
Central Japan Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 7.00 1 0 0
tetsumaga konosuke male orange teen feather 7.00 GOLD
Jiu Jitsu Koushien Summer 2024 15.40 1 1 4
miyahara lino male gray youth light 1.10 BRONZ
yaginuma logan male white kindergarten light feather 1.20 BRONZ
wada oshiro male white kindergarten feather 1.40 BRONZ
murase rio male gray youth middle 3.60 SILVER
nishikohri suo male gray youth medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
usui tsuguri male gray youth feather 1.10 BRONZ
The 4th Reversal Jiu Jitsu Cup In Sapporo 10.30 1 1 0
ito kouki male white toddler light feather 7.00 GOLD
kawakami taichi male gray kindergarten light 3.30 SILVER
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 9.90 0 1 0
goutaro ito male orange junior teen light 9.90 SILVER