Tornado Jiujitsu Academy
Tornado Jiujitsu Academy

Sjjif World Rank 2024
Adult Ranking
Kids Ranking


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 8.10 1 0 1
chu steve male white master 1 medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
liao ying-lan female blue adult open weight 1.10 BRONZ
Asjjf Taiwan International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 26.00 2 2 4
lin che nan male blue master 1 middle 3.30 SILVER
lin che nan male blue master 1 open weight 1.10 BRONZ
lin chengwen male blue master 1 light feather 7.70 GOLD
wang kaiting male white master 2 ultra heavy 3.00 SILVER
chang pochun male purple adult middle 1.10 BRONZ
chu steve male white master 4 medium heavy 7.00 GOLD
yun liang wei male white adult light feather 1.40 BRONZ
lin yan-guang male white adult light feather 1.40 BRONZ
Asia Masters Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 3.00 0 1 0
chang arthur male white master 3 middle 3.00 SILVER
Asjjf Taiwan International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 30.70 3 2 1
chen chih male purple adult open weight 4.20 SILVER
chen chih male purple adult light 7.70 GOLD
chang heng min male white master 4 light 7.00 GOLD
lin pochun male white master 1 light feather 1.10 BRONZ
chang pochun male purple adult middle 7.70 GOLD
chen yizhen female white juvenile feather 3.00 SILVER
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 26.70 1 0 1
chu steve male white master 3 medium heavy 23.10 GOLD
chu steve male white master 3 open weight 3.60 BRONZ


Event Points Gold Silver Bronze
The King Of The Island Jiu Jitsu Championship 2023 11.00 1 0 3
chu aiden male white youth feather 7.70 GOLD
chu bradley male white youth light 1.10 BRONZ
chang chih male white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
chang tien female gray pre teen feather 1.10 BRONZ
Asjjf Taiwan International Open Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 62.10 4 5 13
chu aiden male white youth feather 1.20 BRONZ
chu bradley male white youth light 7.00 GOLD
lee che hsu male white kindergarten light feather 1.20 BRONZ
lee che-yu male white youth rooster 1.20 BRONZ
yeh chia che male gray pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
yeh chia-jui male gray pre teen light feather 1.20 BRONZ
chang chih male white youth light feather 1.40 BRONZ
wang ching-shan male white kindergarten feather 7.70 GOLD
hu fu yi female white kindergarten light feather 1.10 BRONZ
jan han-jen female white junior teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
jan han-yu female white junior teen middle 3.30 SILVER
yu hsin-peng female white kindergarten light feather 3.60 SILVER
yang jo hsin female white youth rooster 1.20 BRONZ
chang tien female gray pre teen feather 3.30 SILVER
hsu ting female white youth light feather 1.10 BRONZ
lu tsai-ching female gray pre teen light feather 1.10 BRONZ
yang yi kai male gray pre teen rooster 7.70 GOLD
lo yi- chen female gray junior teen feather 1.10 BRONZ
yang yi-hsin male white kindergarten rooster 3.30 SILVER
chen yu ning male white teen light feather 3.30 SILVER
chou yu-an male gray youth light 7.70 GOLD
zhang zhu-kai male white pre teen middle 1.10 BRONZ
Asjjf Taiwan International Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 83.80 5 10 10
stewart alexander male white kindergarten light feather 3.60 SILVER
chang bo lin male white youth light feather 1.20 BRONZ
chang bo yan male white kindergarten rooster 3.60 SILVER
lee che-yu male white youth rooster 3.30 SILVER
zheng cheng you male white youth medium heavy 1.10 BRONZ
wang ching-shan male white kindergarten feather 8.40 GOLD
hu ciao-na female white kindergarten light feather 1.20 BRONZ
stewart elizabeth female white pre teen feather 3.00 SILVER
hu fu yi female white kindergarten feather 1.20 BRONZ
jan han-jen female white pre teen medium heavy 1.10 BRONZ
jan han-yu female white junior teen middle 3.30 SILVER
hu hanson male gray junior teen feather 3.30 SILVER
yu hsin-peng female white kindergarten feather 8.40 GOLD
huang peng-jhou male white youth light 3.30 SILVER
moli wang male white pre teen light 1.20 BRONZ
lin wenxu male gray pre teen light feather 7.70 GOLD
jang xiang long male white junior teen light feather 3.30 SILVER
wang yao-yang male white pre teen light 1.10 BRONZ
chuang yi li male white youth rooster 1.20 BRONZ
lo yi- chen female yellow junior teen feather 3.00 SILVER
chen you ning female white teen light feather 7.00 GOLD
wang yu fei female white kindergarten light feather 1.20 BRONZ
chou yu-an male gray youth light 1.10 BRONZ
luo yun-chi male white youth rooster 7.70 GOLD
zhang zhu-kai male white youth medium heavy 3.30 SILVER
Sjjif World Jiu Jitsu Championship 2024 27.60 0 2 2
chu aiden male white youth light 9.00 SILVER
yu hsin-peng female white kindergarten feather 10.80 SILVER
lin wenxu male gray pre teen light feather 4.50 BRONZ
luo yun-chi male white youth rooster 3.30 BRONZ